The Mountaineering Council of Scotland (MCofS) has a new Senior Officer – its top post – and he wants your help.

Dave Gibson, a former manager in the automotive industry (or making car parts as grough would call it) took up his post last week. He's appealing for anyone with time on their hands to help out in the organisation's office in Perth or by volunteering to work with the MCofS, which represents mountaineers in Scotland, not surprisingly.

Dave is a Munro bagger, a few short of a full round (that means he hasn't yet climbed all Scotland's 3 000-footers, not that he hasn't the full shilling – Ed), and hopes to complete the set in 2007. He joined the MCofS in 1999 and was elected to its executive last year.

He's quoted on the council's website as saying: "“I saw the MCofS as you might see a more experienced climbing partner. One with knowledge and confidence – ably placed to offer support to a newcomer. I realised this resulted from the experience of the staff and volunteers that make the MCofS such a unique organisation”

Gibson has also worked for economic development agencies in Scotland and England and ran his own company. He's also got a marketing degree and an MBA, but grough won't hold that against him.