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Bonington to join Parliamentary group for Dales two-peak walk

Everest summiteer Sir Chris Bonington will tackle two of Yorkshire’s Three Peaks in the company of MPs and peers to help boost an outdoors campaign.

Blind climber Red Széll: Old Man of Hoy ascent was dream come true

The man who claimed the record as the first blind person to climb an imposing Scottish sea stack has spoken of his experience.

Olympic bosses turn down climbing's bid for 2020 Games

Olympic bosses have thwarted climbers’ attempts to have their sport included in the games. The International Olympic Committee today turned down ...

Red Széll aims to be first blind man to climb the Old Man of Hoy

A blind climber plans to summit a Scottish sea stack to raise cash for research into the condition that robbed him of his sight.

Kate Ashbrook warns Kinder meeting of plans for new criminal trespass law

A leading campaigner said walkers risked being made into criminals under a planned coalition Government law.

Chumbawamba star will join Kinder Mass Trespass celebrations

A member of the band that notoriously doused John Prescott with water will join a male voice choir at celebrations to mark a seminal event in the battle for countryside access.

Tourist bosses say 'titchy' Shard doesn't measure up to Lakeland grandeur

Tourist bosses in the Lake District are bigging up one of their prime attractions, saying it makes London’s tallest building seem like small fry.

Bonington quits Friends' position as Honister zip-wire plans thrown out

Controversial plans to build a zip-wire on a Lake District mountainside have been thrown out again by national park planners.

Black Sail youth hostel will close for a month to allow £¼m facelift

One of England’s remotest youth hostels will get a £¼m facelift for its 80th birthday. The Black Sail hostel at the head of Ennerdale can only ...

Sir Chris Bonington reopens refurbished Ambleside youth hostel

Mountaineering elder statesman Sir Chris Bonington officially opened one of his local youth hostels. The YHA Ambleside hostel has undergone a £1.4...

Blind man Red Széll successfully climbs Old Man of Hoy

A London househusband has become the first blind man to climb the Old May of Hoy sea stack off the northern Scottish coast.

Everest 'karma' as Bonington, Cool and Hinkes back climbing's Olympic bid

Three British Everest summiteers are throwing their weight behind the final push for climbing to gain a foothold in the Olympics.

Kenton Cool will tackle Three Peaks – Himalaya style

Record-breaking Everest summiteer Kenton Cool has announced plans to climb the Three Peaks – Himalaya style.

Outdoor firms Pentland and Regatta gain Queen's enterprise awards

Two outdoor gear firms have been honoured in the Queen’s Award for Enterprise. The Pentland Group, which owns the Berghaus and brasher brands, wo...

Adam Watson gains Golden Eagle Award from outdoor guild

A veteran mountaineer and expert on the Cairngorms will be honoured by outdoor writers and photographers for his work.

18,000 join Ramblers to urge Government to set up national trails trust

Britain’s biggest walking charity has handed a petition bearing thousands of names to the Government, urging it to rethink its plans for national trails in England.

Simon Yates and Alan Hinkes among star line-up at Keswick Mountain Festival

The man best known for cutting the rope holding his stricken climbing partner during an Andean expedition will be among speakers at this year’s Keswick Mountain Festival.

The outdoors world in 2012: our backward glance at the year past

Our rearward glance at a news-packed 2012 includes, as always, tragedy as well as uplifting stories of the great outdoors, and a few oddities.


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