Generations of walkers and backpackers have used iodine to treat water taken from mountain streams
Iodine, for many years used by walkers and mountaineers to disinfect water, will be banned in the European Union from autumn.
The ban means that, from 25 October retailers will no longer be allowed to sell or supply for use the substance. Some equipment manufacturers will also need to modify their gear in response to the ban. Chlorine tablets will still be available for the purpose.
The ban affects all 27 EU countries and was taken in response to US Center for Disease Control advice which says iodine should only be consumed in controlled doses for no more than a few weeks.
Pregnant women and those with thyroid problems were always advised against using the substance.
Generations of outdoors enthusiasts, military personnel and travellers have used iodine, producing its telltale yellow colouring, to kill bugs in drinking water. Alternatives include, as mentioned, chlorine tablets, though these produce a strong ‘swimming bath’ taste in treated water; boiling and devices using ultra-violet light and filtering.
The main risks from drinking untreated water come from bacteria, viruses and parasites such as giardia and cryptosporidium. There may also be chemicals present in water, though this is less likely in high mountain streams.
Industry insiders said the move could be followed by the United States and other countries.
13 August 2009This sucks!! Iodine is necessary for the entire body. Not just disinfecting. What are these people thinking...is it part of 'We do not want you to be healthy??'
Bill Wabo
14 August 2009For those who are concerned with water safety, you can buy the LIFESAVER water bottle , which will filter your water completely, and make it sake to drink. But this agenda is different, it is the banning of a substance already found in the body, who has the right to tell me that I can't take a substance found in nature! Who are these people!!!
16 August 2009The UN's Codex Alimentarius I would hazard a guess!
16 August 2009I take way more than the silly recommended intake
Iodine is perfectly safe. We are more at risk of becoming deficient in it. Stuff the EU!
17 August 2009I take Magnascent iodine which is made by passing an electro magnetic current through the iodine which breaks a covalent bond of electrons and balances the iodine for uptake by the body. This evidently is what the thyroid has to do to make it available to the body. You can review it at www.magnascent.com
You are right about codex Alimentarius AND the body's need for much more iodine than the ridiculous RDA of 150micrograms.
Cheryl Simpkiss
23 September 2018Iodine has always been used ( diluted) for treating horses with mud rash to kill the bacteria also for foot infections....
Hope it will be available to purchase after Brexit...
Michael L Forbes
15 January 2019I always used it for open cuts and grazes, it stopped the bleeding and helped it heal. Now i cannot get it .They also used it in hospitals for the same thing....
07 April 2019Yet again Europe imposing its stupid agenda with lies about health and safety. I have some insect stings which I got in Mexico and right now I could really do with being able to buy some iodine from the chemist. In Mexico had no problem getting it.
05 September 2019Well, are there any opinions from the other side - as to any valid reasons why EU might have banned iodine?!
Sal Wolffs
20 September 2019Weirdly, I can still buy povidone-iodine for wound treatment, and iodised table salt to satisfy my dietary iodine requirements. It's almost as if they banned it for this use only, probably in response to some reputable organisation (like the USCDC) suggesting that ingesting large quantities for weeks on end might be a bad idea.
31 January 2020Yes, be very careful with iodine. If you drink enough of it with selenium, and your magnesium levels are sufficient, you will have no use for a Doctor again.
Don R
11 February 2020More stupidity from the EU.
Iodine is necessary for Thyroid function and they say it harms the Thyroid.
Catering to the Pharma and Chem industries for poison alternatives like Chlorine, one of the most toxic chemicals known to man..
Dont listen to these frauds. Take your Iodine.
23 February 2020Well..... screw the dam EU and thank God for brexit !!!!!!
27 February 2020Iodine is truely one of the magical substances for human health and is effective for a wide range of microbial infections. Banning it from the retail outlets can have only one logical reason behind it: Protectinig the bottom line for the Big Pharma companies so they can manufacture and distribute their products costing many times more. Incidentally, in South Africa, where the ban has presumably also been enforced because it is no longer available on the shelves of the pharmacies, I can still buy Lugol's Iodine at the veterinarian shop for treatment of wounds in animals.
Thomas fales
21 March 202011 years ago I broke my left ankle and leg found out I was allergic to the titanium plate and screws, broke out with psoriasis and eczema all over my body. Went to skin specialist and allergy specialist lotions, Ointments, and prescriptions, nothing worked. Several months later I had the titanium removed from my leg and the wound would not heal for three months it wouldn’t heal. My son did some research, then I did some research. Started taking 10 drops of lugols iodine solution Orally, also started putting legal solution liberally around the wound on my ankle. Not only did the wound heal within a month or two almost all of my skin problems ceased. I believe iodine saved my life.
A large percentage of our population of the United States are deficient in iodine
Dr. Jorge Fletchas is a doctor that has extensively studied the effects and benefits of iodine. I strongly recommend you do your own research.
Hoax Bad Science
24 March 2020What a complete pile of pseudoscientific mum o jumbo.
Yes the words covalent bond and electromagnetic are science words.
Electrical Currents flow to create an electric field in whatever metal it conducts along.
Magnetism/Magnetic Fields/Magnets/ElectroMagnets do NOT break covalent bonds. If they did everyone who has ever had an MRI would have fallen apart.
Let’s say I’m some altered universe their science is actually real, given we’ve happily survived for thousands of years before this “scientifically” enhanced method of injecting Iodine.
Have you ever actually visualised what 15mcg or 350mcg looks like?
24 March 2020What a complete pile of pseudoscientific mum o jumbo.
Yes the words covalent bond and electromagnetic are science words.
Electrical Currents flow to create an electric field in whatever metal it conducts along.
Magnetism from an MRI should by this theory be fracturing our whole body apart, magnets/magnetism doesn’t break covalentbonds
07 April 2020Not sure why a 10+ year old article is getting so much attention, but it was on the front page of a google search for "does iodine expire" so maybe that's why.
PEOPLE, LISTEN: drinking iodine will NOT make you an ubermensch immune to disease and pestilence. Anyone who says otherwise is a crank and can be safely ignored.
As for the EU/US decision to ban iodine based drinking tablets a decade ago, no opinion other than the fact that chlorine works fine and is perfectly safe (it's in your tap water, you already live with it).
04 June 2020The new UV-C devices for treating drinking water while traveling and on the trail seem to work very well and don't contaminate with chemical additives. The potential for hypothyroidism with too much iodine didn't seem to be mentioned anywhere but is a significant risk for certain people. Water treatment iodine tablets are quite different from supplemental iodine, and i wonder if the latter will still be freely available in Europe. It certainly is in the USA.
10 June 2020Googled iodine deficiency, stumbled into an 11yo article with an oddly active comment section. This is my contribution to the world.
peter collins
12 June 2020Chlorine dioxide is safe and more effective sanitizer for water , it can also be used in sterilising brew equipment and vegetables which improves there shelf life it ClO2 has been approved around the world FDA TGA WHO as safe to use
Confused Person
17 June 2020How did I and everybody else end up here
17 June 2020Seriously, WTF google.
20 June 2020googled "does iodine kill viruses" for my kid with molluscum. Enjoyed reading the comment section :D
Susie West
22 June 2020iodine readily available on line,a chemist told me they have patented alternatives to offer 'follow the money? I asked they smiled
23 June 2020I read, iodine crystals can be used to make explosives. I don’t know if this has anything to do with the ban.
Joey Swanson
27 June 2020For all those who are complaining, there are proven links between high doses of iodine and thyroid complications or even cancer. I know some will argue that they've never died yet etc, but this is a ridiculous arguement- people smoke 100 a day and live to 90 - others from lung cancer who have never smoked- smoking increases your risk of cancer, just as high doses of iodine does.
You body might require more than 150mcg of iodine a day, however, iodine is present in a lot of food, so all long as you're eating you should get what you need. Supplements above 150mcg may put you at risk.
Chlorine tabs might not taste as nice, but they do the job and are proven safer so I don't see what all the fuss is about. Let's blame the EU anyway for trying to keep people well...
01 July 2020Hi Folks Just wondered if there is any info re inadine treatment for wounds affecting thyroid performance
I have hypothyroidism and have over the past few months suffered a number of open wounds on my legs which are treated with inadine dressings
Is it possible iodine from these dressings is absorbed through the skin and affecting my thyroid, over the past eight months thyroid tests show decrease in TSH requiring increased thyroxine dose
30 July 2020Peter, yes, there is medical research showing that iodine is quite readily absorbed through the skin.
It certainly is possible that the iodine dressings have been affecting your thyroid.
03 August 2020But the article doesnt talk about why Iodine is banned
John Purvis
04 August 2020Too much iodine is likely to create a hyper thyroid (overactivd)too little. is. likely to cause a hypo thyroid (under active)
Fan of Ray Peat
08 September 2020This came up in my search “what’s the difference between iodine PVP-i (providine) and Lugol’s?”
I have a few bottles of Lugol’s on hand.... good for many things!
14 November 2020Seen big articles about using iodine in the sinuses and how it kills covid in 30 seconds. Ive been using 8 drops of povidone 10% in 8 ounces of neil med sinus flush once or twice a day since mid march. Makes my sinus membranes toxic for covid. Now they are even recommending it. I find over 8 drops leave a definite smell and discomfort bit 7 or 8 is fine. For years if i get a sore throat a mix of iodine in water gargled kills it right away.
Big Guy
17 November 2020based
Big Guy
17 November 2020based and iodinepilled
20 November 2020The collage medically educated vs. people who have been dropping iodine in their drinks/mouths/nose (who bases their fight against the ban as, "I haven't died yet so screw the EU"..lol)...Not everything is a conspiracy.
20 November 2020Googled Iodine, ended up here. Read the comments... forgot why I Googled Iodine in the first place.
22 November 2020I remember why
22 November 2020I remember why
22 November 2020some unfortunate technical difficulties up there, please ignore them
I remember why I did. We were watching the Peanuts movie and the little girl that yanks the football whenever Charlie goes up to kick it called for some when Snoopy licked her face. I don't regret seeing all this though, it's actually kinda funny.
Shelby Petersen
28 November 2020Most people in the world are not getting enough Iodine. Japanese probably intake 1-5mg a day. They are super healthy and have few diseases and that has been linked to Iodine. Most Westerner's consume, maybe, 150micrograms a day and inhibitors such as processed food, fluoride and Bromine compete for Iodine receptors prompting need for more Iodine. They want control over every item possible to sell and recreate synthetically at higher prices. You do need to take it carefully but no need to ban it.
30 November 2020You should all check out UN Agenda ‘21
30 November 2020Our political overlords prevent us from doing as we wish with our bodies, and forcibly seize our earning to pay themselves for their so-called 'service'.
Can we recognise the State as institutionalising the immortally of aggressive coercion and theft (ie, taxation), already?
02 December 2020thanks google, very cool!
04 December 2020Jesus christ, it's like the flat earthers and anti-vaxxers had moron iodine-loving babies.
Dave Goudie
27 December 2020Greetings limies from the Yanks! Please come up with something better than the U.S. CDC! all of our lives may depend on it. It is well known in the medical community here in the States that they are not fully competent in all that they do. I so apologize that we have such a far reachiing impact round about the whole world, especially when it comes to such aweful advise to ban iodine, if we really made such a ridiculous warning. Personally I've never heard of it over here 'cross the pond in the States. Here, Here, to those who know how closely this is linked to good health. And pregnant mothers especially should take moderate doses to help the cerebral development of their babies-to-be. Studies show that iodine intake has a direct correlation with intelligence. If I didn't know better I'd say someone is trying to dumb y'all down to size they can manipulate easiest. Sad, sad, sad. I hope y'all have overturned that by now.
29 December 2020Iodide/Iodine is required for a good functioning thyroid. That's why they added it to table salt, and fast food salt packets, to cure a mass amount of people who had low thyroid function. It's still available here in the US. I keep an iodine spray in my first aid kit.
05 January 2021Thank you Shelby Petersen for your comment, "They want control over every item possible to sell and recreate synthetically at higher prices". Those individuals in our world who live their lives in such fear that they simply can't face the fact that many "conspiracy theories" are based on facts need to delve more deeply into history of the world and the many devious real life plots that would absolutely have been only "conspiracy theories" until sometimes many years later when the truth of the plot was revealed. People in power who engage in devious endeavors use all possible means of obscuring their actions and the current trend of making "conspiracy" a synonym for "thoughts of the mentally unstable" is a brilliant way of dismissing important information.
Chris Walker
05 January 2021THEY DIDN'T BAN IODINE.
They banned iodine purification tablets for drinking, because not only is the dose so high that you can poison yourself, but also it doesn't kill crypto and giardia. You can still buy any other type of iodine and poison yourself, but you have to do it in your own ill-informed google-opinionated way, not backed by a labelled product that gives you a false sense of safety.
Steve Barton
10 January 2021I want my real Kaopectate back!
M Pirrone
30 January 2021Just over 36 years ago, I was a.sophmore taking Chemistry 1/2 and there was a weekly quiz question. It was repeated on the second six weeks test, asked again on the mid-term, and finally on the final exam. The question ... What element, necessary for good human health and brain development, destroys all known pathogens? The answer was Iodine.
Dame Judy
02 February 2021Thank God for the internet. A decade later, despite being doused in iodine, this comment section is still alive.
06 February 2021To know the real reason for the CDC you only need to follow the money trail. I have excellent military doctors and when I have asked them to recommend a natural treatment they have all said that is not allowed . Although they use natural treatments themselves. In some cases they have sent me to wed sites for the requested help. Medical schools are supported by pharmacy companies. They have told me if they recommend other then medicines it could cost them their license.
MaryLynn Dixon
06 February 2021Sorry did not proof read Should be website not wed site.
Tony Hammond
09 February 2021US FDA has now banned Lugol's Iodine over 2%, despite it being around and used at 15% since 1830, for 190 years safely. They claim its used to make meth in higher concentrations.
13 February 2021Regarding Iodine and Thyroid function, it sounds like a lot of folks missed part of a sentence: "..those with thyroid problems were always advised against using the substance." It has been proven in studies that its with low thyroid function SHOULD avoid iodine! Now, I don't mean all iodine-containing foods and substances, but certainly to not add more than what you might get through a regular diet. And ditch the standard table salt. Go for sea salt instead (tastes better!).
22 February 2021Chris Walker above is spot on! They haven’t banned iodine. They’ve just banned the practice of using it to sanitize water as it doesn’t work that well and it may cause toxicity. It’s great that they’re looking out for us.
Found this in a search for “Does iodine worsen Graves” and saw that it does. My mother was severely hyperthyroid in pregnancy. Was trying to figure out if she had Graves. But if she had Graves, she should avoid iodine and she always told me her problem occurred from not enough iodine, before they had iodized salt here. I do know she had toxic goitre. According to my googling you can have hyperthyroid from toxic goitre and not have Graves. So now I’ve solved the mystery; I guess she didn’t have Graves. Which makes sense as she was under a specialist’s care for hypothyroidism in childhood. So I guess she was hypothyroid as a child, and then became hyperthyroid from toxic goitre/iodine deficiency in pregnancy.
It’s Wednesday
24 February 2021My dudes, I have come to take part in this decade-spanning comment section. Thank you Cheryl Simpkiss for reviving it in 2018. Also, I’d be surprised if you could actually taste the difference between “sea salt” and table salt. Idk anything about iodine tho, but I gotta say, my natural inclination is distrust the EU.
02 March 2021Google gave me this totally unrelated article when I tried to search for the name of the blood test for iodine levels. This article obviously didn't help, but I enjoyed the comments section.
Unrelatedly, I have borderline high TSH from my blood tests, which means hypo/underactive thyroid, therefore I could need more iodine. It's only severe hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism that need to avoid iodine. Regular people need iodine in their diets.
23 March 2021I was researching iodine levels in seaweed and ended up in a slanging match between iodine lovers and authoritarian EU/ Globalism enthusiasts.
F the NWO
03 April 2021These comments are gold. My input... iodine is good and don’t trust a globalist or anyone calling people ‘anti vaxxers’, they are both more dangerous than any disease.
06 April 2021Hi all, I've studied the use of Iodine in Battery technology and discovered a wealth of information that i'd like to share with everyone, for example: The maximum absorption of the human body is about 1.5 grams of Iodine. The thyroid absorbs about 50mg, while the brain, and skin absorb moderate amounts. A large variety of skin disorders occur when iodine deficient. It is well known that during WWII enlistment, candidates from the Goiter Belt in America had large necks and shoulders, were not recruited due to the iodine deficient soils. Iodine deficiency also causes mental retardation in children. The white blood cells utilize Iodine as part of their immune function. Studies on the Japanese people shows daily intakes as high as 15 milligram due to their large intake of sea food. Iodine is present in high quantities in the ocean, and concentrates in seaweed. Also, seaweed used to be hung up in hospitals to "purify" the air. Iodine can easily kill mould spores, and bacteria on contact. It also shrinks and eliminates certain kinds of cancerous tumors. Iodine can dissolve metals easily, including gold, aluminum, mercury & Iron etc.. In the human body, once Iodine levels are at capacity, heavy metals are excreted in urine. Iodine used to be used as a stimulant, but was ceased due to "side effects". Aqueous Iodine can lower the electrochemical threshold necessary for electroplating of metals otherwise impossible in water based electrolytes. Taking Iodine (i.e. Lugols) will cause the Thyroid to "Wake up" and effects like: Hot flushes, increased energy, lack of tiredness, vivid dreams, and mental alertness can occur. In excessive doses (>50mg), bad headache, emtional/anger, and in long time high doses: sore neck, swollen neck, hypo or hyper thyroidism. Only a large intake of Sodium Chloride (table salt) will reduce these negative symptoms. As the chloride helps coordinate the iodine ions and the sodium binds to free iodine forming water soluble Sodium Iodide. Elemental Iodine does not expire. If kept in a dark glass stoppered bottle, out of sunlight, in cold temperatures, it will not sublime, and will keep indefinately. Lugols solution does evaporate, expecially in warm weather. Iodine is light sensitive, and is sometimes used in Solar cells and also used in LCD displays. Iodine does breakdown/degrade natural rubber too, so eyedroppers can fail. Iodine can severely damage Polypropylene (poly plastic). Iodine dissolves readily in alcohol, and smells very sweet. Placing a vial of Iodine/Alcohol in an ultrasonicator will result in a well dispersed iodine solution, that is readily bio-available, and extremely sweet smelling and dark purple/black in color. However, the iodine will gradually lose its ionic composition over time and become less reactive. Povidone, is a mixture of water, plastic (PVP), and elemental Iodine. The plastic is porous, and has the iodine absorbed in it. If you put this directly on wounds, you inadvertently introduce plastic into the wound. Some patents describe how a mixture of Chitosan, water, and Potassium Iodide can form a hydrated hydrogel suitable for wound treatment. The blood itself carries oxygen, which is proportional to is alkalinity. Iodine is slightly acidic, and thus, when applied to a wound, it causes the blood to instantaneously release its oxygen load to the wound site, as well as disinfecting which enhances healing. Iodine disinfection used to be used routinely in hospitals around the world, before Chlorine based products became common place. I'm not sure why this is the case. Perhaps Chlorine destroys a larger spectrum of dangerous pathogens? However, Chlorine itself is a known carcinogenic and chemical warfare agent. Iodine itself can stain the skin with dark brown/purple/black colorations, depending on the solvent it is in. While Chlorine is practically colorless. Taking 50mg Iodine tablets before radioctive fallout can satisfy the bodies requirement for Iodine, and thus, prevent the absorption of the radioctive species. Otherwise contaminated Iodine can get into the body, which will readily destroy thyroid cells, causing Hypothyroidism and a whole host of other kinds of disease. The cold war era (MAD) has really given Iodine a bad name, and caused alot of confusion over its health benefits. Do not confuse Bromine with Iodine. Bromine is very toxic. However, Iodine sufficiency will provide a whole host of benefits to the human body, including expulsion of dangerous halogens, increased oxygen levels, expulsion of heavy metals, and sunburn prevention. But be careful, googling Iodine, will lead you down the rabbit-hole. I'm not sure why there is so much misinformation on the web about it, it almost seems like propaganda. You really need to thoroughly research Iodine, from properly vetted sources, and discover for yourself its history, its uses, dangers and amazing benefits.
06 April 2021Hi all, I've studied the use of Iodine in Battery technology and discovered a wealth of information that i'd like to share with everyone, for example: The maximum absorption of the human body is about 1.5 grams of Iodine. The thyroid absorbs about 50mg, while the brain, and skin absorb moderate amounts. A large variety of skin disorders occur when iodine deficient. It is well known that during WWII enlistment, candidates from the Goiter Belt in America had large necks and shoulders, were not recruited due to the iodine deficient soils. Iodine deficiency also causes mental retardation in children. The white blood cells utilize Iodine as part of their immune function. Studies on the Japanese people shows daily intakes as high as 15 milligram due to their large intake of sea food. Iodine is present in high quantities in the ocean, and concentrates in seaweed. Also, seaweed used to be hung up in hospitals to "purify" the air. Iodine can easily kill mould spores, and bacteria on contact. It also shrinks and eliminates certain kinds of cancerous tumors. Iodine can dissolve metals easily, including gold, aluminum, mercury & Iron etc.. In the human body, once Iodine levels are at capacity, heavy metals are excreted in urine. Iodine used to be used as a stimulant, but was ceased due to "side effects". Aqueous Iodine can lower the electrochemical threshold necessary for electroplating of metals otherwise impossible in water based electrolytes. Taking Iodine (i.e. Lugols) will cause the Thyroid to "Wake up" and effects like: Hot flushes, increased energy, lack of tiredness, vivid dreams, and mental alertness can occur. In excessive doses (>50mg), bad headache, emtional/anger, and in long time high doses: sore neck, swollen neck, hypo or hyper thyroidism. Only a large intake of Sodium Chloride (table salt) will reduce these negative symptoms. As the chloride helps coordinate the iodine ions and the sodium binds to free iodine forming water soluble Sodium Iodide. Elemental Iodine does not expire. If kept in a dark glass stoppered bottle, out of sunlight, in cold temperatures, it will not sublime, and will keep indefinately. Lugols solution does evaporate, expecially in warm weather. Iodine is light sensitive, and is sometimes used in Solar cells and also used in LCD displays. Iodine does breakdown/degrade natural rubber too, so eyedroppers can fail. Iodine can severely damage Polypropylene (poly plastic). Iodine dissolves readily in alcohol, and smells very sweet. Placing a vial of Iodine/Alcohol in an ultrasonicator will result in a well dispersed iodine solution, that is readily bio-available, and extremely sweet smelling and dark purple/black in color. However, the iodine will gradually lose its ionic composition over time and become less reactive. Povidone, is a mixture of water, plastic (PVP), and elemental Iodine. The plastic is porous, and has the iodine absorbed in it. If you put this directly on wounds, you inadvertently introduce plastic into the wound. Some patents describe how a mixture of Chitosan, water, and Potassium Iodide can form a hydrated hydrogel suitable for wound treatment. The blood itself carries oxygen, which is proportional to is alkalinity. Iodine is slightly acidic, and thus, when applied to a wound, it causes the blood to instantaneously release its oxygen load to the wound site, as well as disinfecting which enhances healing. Iodine disinfection used to be used routinely in hospitals around the world, before Chlorine based products became common place. I'm not sure why this is the case. Perhaps Chlorine destroys a larger spectrum of dangerous pathogens? However, Chlorine itself is a known carcinogenic and chemical warfare agent. Iodine itself can stain the skin with dark brown/purple/black colorations, depending on the solvent it is in. While Chlorine is practically colorless. Taking 50mg Iodine tablets before radioctive fallout can satisfy the bodies requirement for Iodine, and thus, prevent the absorption of the radioctive species. Otherwise contaminated Iodine can get into the body, which will readily destroy thyroid cells, causing Hypothyroidism and a whole host of other kinds of disease. The cold war era (MAD) has really given Iodine a bad name, and caused alot of confusion over its health benefits. Do not confuse Bromine with Iodine. Bromine is very toxic. However, Iodine sufficiency will provide a whole host of benefits to the human body, including expulsion of dangerous halogens, increased oxygen levels, expulsion of heavy metals, and sunburn prevention. But be careful, googling Iodine, will lead you down the rabbit-hole. I'm not sure why there is so much misinformation on the web about it, it almost seems like propaganda. You really need to thoroughly research Iodine, from properly vetted sources, and discover for yourself its history, its uses, dangers and amazing benefits.
Taina Sorensen
13 April 2021I stand firm in my conviction that I dont know enough about it to have an opinion.
A. M.
18 April 2021Hey Usefuliodineinfo,
I like your info! Defo wild that we home researchers have four our way here.
I have hypothyroidism, and gravitated towards a nascent iodine supplement and seaweed eating, both in moderation.
Until my recent discovery that my hypo be supported by daily hormone replacement, I am now just keeping an eye out for whether iodine will react with the water in my copper bottle.
I plan to take it periodically, as it tastes dekxiand feels nourishing for my body and energy levels.
Great discussion on here. I found this thoroughly enjoyable to read today. Is this article really 11 years old?!
For real, how did we all get lead here?
Happy iodine useage and keep your thyroid in check!
A. M.
18 April 2021Hey everyone,
Usefuliodineinfo, I like your info! Is there a way for me to get your details to make reference to your research? I really resonate with what you've said. Defo wild that we home researchers have four our way here.
I have hypothyroidism, and gravitated towards a nascent iodine supplement and seaweed eating years ago, both in moderation.
Until my recent diagnosis that my hypo be supported by daily hormone replacement, I am now just keeping an eye out for whether iodine will react with the water in my copper bottle.
I plan to take it periodically still, as it tastes delicious and feels nourishing for my body and energy levels.
Great discussion on here. I found this thoroughly enjoyable to read today. Crazy, this article really is 11 years old!
For real, how did we all get here?
Happy iodine useage and keep your thyroid in check!
Mr Thundercock
08 June 2021damn this shit's mad
Renato ( Do I have to explain everything?)
16 June 2021What Chris Walker already said for the dummies not being able to read well.
"Chris Walker
05 January 2021
They banned iodine purification tablets for drinking, because not only is the dose so high that you can poison yourself, but also it doesn't kill crypto and giardia. You can still buy any other type of iodine and poison yourself, but you have to do it in your own ill-informed google-opinionated way, not backed by a labelled product that gives you a false sense of safety."
I ordered iodine this week. Little bottle, each drop contains 75 mcg . Put it in water and drink it. Done. No shortage of iodine. And no poisoning either.
Stop swearing at the EU. And use your brain a bit. And maybe take a drop , or two of iodine as well.
Anthony Randazzo
04 July 2021When the use of methamphetamine became problematic in the US and in the UK you find the introduction of the bands on pseudoephedrine ephedra and iodine especially iodine in the crystalline form I2. These substances are used in the manufacturing of methamphetamine because there is replacement for these substances now they have banned the use of the former for public consumption. Th. This of course it's theoretical and speculative but it is founded on fact and timing. I mean the true reason may be elusive and impossible to determine logically it is a possible explanation.
05 July 2021Have been feeling as if I am coming down with something.... a cold, flu or whatever. Been taking everything and trying to keep it under control. Just saw my bottle of iodine sitting on the shelf and took some in my drink and bingo, I'm feeling so much better in 10 minutes. I feel so alert & energized with hardly any flu symptoms. Amazing!
30 August 2021Interesting information and also interesting keeping this thread alive
23 September 2021Hey, Bill Wabo. Opium is asubstance found in nature. Do you think it would be a good idea to make it freely available to the general public? Hmm?
08 October 2021I remember using Betadine on a nasty ragged wound on my knee caused by scraping it against a coral reef in Australia while snorkeling over twenty years ago. The skipper of the boat had it in his first aid kit and swore by it, especially for this purpose as coral can introduce a vast amount of very nasty pathogens into torn skin. The wound healed very quickly indeed. I was able to pick up a small bottle of this magic fluid for a few bucks back in the day.
01 January 2022I bought Iodine tincture in the pharmacy , it has 90-95% ethanol, 2-3% iodine, can this be used in the same was as say lugol’s iodine, is it safe to ingest or gargle?
03 June 2022We put iodine in salt to reduce iodine deficiency in the population… but because we don’t eat as much salt these days, iodine is now being put into bread.