The Gatescarth Pass between Longsleddale and Mardale in the Lake District, a green lane where off-road traffic is controlled by an order

The Gatescarth Pass between Longsleddale and Mardale in the Lake District, a green lane where off-road traffic is controlled by an order

Walkers are being urged to take part in a newspaper’s online survey into green lanes in national parks.

A concerned grough reader contacted us to point out that, at present, 70 per cent of respondents to the Westmorland Gazette’s question ‘Should off-road vehicles be allowed on green lanes in national parks?’ have answered yes.

The correspondent said: “This result contradicts most opinions I have heard expressed.

“Therefore, it is highly probable that off-road motorists and their friends have formed a large email pool to distort the result in their favour. If this tactic is successful, the result will be wheeled out for years to come as evidence of support for ‘fumes in the fells’, notwithstanding that the survey has no validity.”

grough readers can take part in the Westmorland Gazette’s poll by visiting the newspaper’s website.