The Holme Valley team provides rescue cover for the West Yorkshire Pennines

The Holme Valley team provides rescue cover for the West Yorkshire Pennines

Mountain rescuers are appealing to climbers to help them raise cash for their new headquarters.

Holme Valley Mountain Rescue Team is urging local climbers to take up their Seven Summits Challenge to see who can climb the most height on an indoor wall.

Cash raised will go towards the planned new base in Meltham, near Huddersfield. The present headquarters at Marsden in West Yorkshire are under threat as there are proposals to close the fire station housing them.

A team spokesperson said: “Permission for the new building was finally secured last year after a long planning process but the second serious challenge facing the team is to raise the money required to fund the new build.”

The event will take place at the climbing wall at Huddersfield Sport Centre.

The spokesperson said: “The Seven Summits Challenge event is open to any climber who wishes to participate, and the team would particularly welcome climbing clubs and members of other mountain rescue teams to join in the event.

“An element of healthy competition is planned, with climbers encouraged to enter as part of a team with the goal of climbing the furthest height and raising as much money as possible for the team.

“Despite this though, the event will be relaxed and fun, and is open to climbers of all ages and abilities.”

Owen Phillips, of the Holme Valley Mountain Rescue Team added: “This will be a relaxed and enjoyable event, and we’re hoping that members of the local climbing community can come out and support us on the 27 January”

“Mountain rescue services in the UK, unlike most other countries, are completely free of charge and are provided by unpaid volunteers – climbers and mountaineers who want to give something back and be there to assist others if they get into difficulty.”

“We are hoping local climbers can come together and help us out a little bit in return by participating in the sponsored climb, and helping to secure our future in the area.”

As an bonus, Huddersfield Sports Centre has offered one week of free climbing to all participants in the event.

Each participant will also be presented with a t-shirt, specially designed for this event.

Climbers need to register at Huddersfield Climbing Wall, within Huddersfield Sports Centre, before 20 January and raise more than £50 for Holme Valley Mountain Rescue Team.

More information is available by emailing the team and anyone wanting to help can also donate online through MyDonate on the HVMRT website.

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