The North Ridge of Tryfan, which is a grade-one scramble rather than an 'easy walk'. Photo: Richard Webb CC-BY-SA-2.0
A couple had to be rescued from a Snowdonia scrambling route after mistakenly following advice it was an easy walk.
The pair, from London and in their 20s, had read in internet description of Tryfan’s North Ridge that said the mountain’s summit could be gained using the route, which was ‘an easy walk’.
Ogwen Valley Mountain Rescue Organisation was called out shortly before 3pm today after the couple got stuck while retreating down the grade-one scramble.
Chris Lloyd of the rescue team said: “The party of two, who had no rucksacks, map, compass or spare clothing, but were only equipped with walking boots, a bottle of water and a mobile phone, each encountered difficulties on the ascent.
“Wisely, they decided that this route was more challenging than envisaged, so they returned.
“On their descent, they made a common mistake of bearing north-west, which put them on to the upper reaches of the Milestone Buttress.
“At this point they could progress no further so they made the 999 call.”
The rescuers used the Sarloc smartphone system to pinpoint where they were and two team members went from their headquarters to try to spot the couple from the A5 road, which runs beneath the mountain.
Mr Lloyd said: “They did this easily as the couple were low down.
“The two team members scrambled up to them. With the use of a rope and a rescue harness, the two were lowered about 20m to good ground and were escorted from the mountain.
“At Oggie Base, they realised the error of their ways.
“I would be interested to see the website where they read the description of the route as this looks somewhat misleading.”
Roger Smithies
27 December 2013Tryfan and easy walk?? Think again who ever wrote that!!