The contour lines are being painted with eco-friendly material. Photo: OS

The contour lines are being painted with eco-friendly material. Photo: OS

Britain’s national mapping agency is taking to the hills in some of the country’s top walking destinations to create a new aid to help outdoor enthusiasts find their location.

A special projects team from Ordnance Survey will use eco-friendly paint to mark contour lines on the terrain to mark the height of the ground in the area.

An OS spokesperson said: “Contours are a feature of many of our mapping products, and now we’re taking them to the next level with our eco-friendly contour paint.

“A team of volunteers are heading out to some of the most iconic walking spots in the country like Ben Nevis, the Lake District and Snowdonia to make these contour lines, so whether you’re a hiker getting outside to plan a walking route, or a planner plotting a new development – our real-life contours will make visualising the height of landscapes even easier.”

Work on the contours project will begin on Friday 1 April.

The head of special projects at OS said: ”We’re continually innovating and pushing boundaries.

“This is an amazing step towards bridging the gap between technology and reality; taking the maps right off the page into the landscape for a fully immersive experience to #SeeABetterPlace.”

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