Phoebe Smith will sleep on Britain's national Three Peaks to raise cash for the homeless

Phoebe Smith will sleep on Britain's national Three Peaks to raise cash for the homeless

A writer and adventurer will forsake Christmas with her family to sleep out on Britain’s three national highest peaks to raise cash for the homeless.

Phoebe Smith will sleep on Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis on successive nights over the festive period to help rough sleepers.

Her Sleep the Three Peaks for Christmas venture has a target of bringing in £5,000 for the Centrepoint charity.

The writer said: “I love sleeping in wild places, but I am very aware that I’m privileged enough to do this for fun whereas many young people don’t get the choice.

“So I’ve decided to give my Christmas up this year. No tree, no dinner, no bad TV and no time with the family. Instead I’ve decided to Sleep the Three Peaks for Christmas – by myself – to raise money for the homeless charity Centrepoint.

“Up to 16,000 people between 16 and 25 will be at risk of homelessness over Christmas through no fault of their own and during the festive season it’s all too easy to get caught up in everything in our own lives and forget these people.

“I hope to change that. By giving up my Christmas I hope to help raise money to help young people get the choice to sleep rough for fun rather than necessity. Even if my actions helps just one person it will be worth sacrificing the roast.”

Phoebe Smith plans to wake on Christmas Day on Ben Nevis

Phoebe Smith plans to wake on Christmas Day on Ben Nevis

Ms Smith will travel to Wales on Friday to sleep on Snowdon before heading north to make Scafell Pike her overnight home on Saturday, before continuing to Scotland on Christmas Eve. She said: “I’ll be on top of Ben Nevis, waking up on Christmas Day as the highest person in the UK.”

She hopes to be live on BBC Breakfast on Christmas Day, signal permitting, and is also hoping for national newspaper coverage for her adventure.

She will also be Tweeting and posting on Instagram during the Sleep the Three Peaks for Christmas event.

Ms Smith has set up a justgiving page to raise funds for Centrepoint.

At the time of writing, she had was about a fifth of the way towards her target amount.

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