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Mountain council urges views on Highland wolves plan

The Mountaineering Council of Scotland says it will make a submission on the planned keeping of wild animals on a Scottish estate.

Plea to force ex-bed magnates to take down nightmare gate

A gate erected by the couple who founded the Dreams bed retail chain is a nightmare apparition which blocks views of an area of outstanding natural beauty, say objectors.

Tragedy and triumph: the outdoor world in 2009 (continued)

As the decade which seems to have become known as the noughties packed its bags and prepared for the trip into history, its final days had a familiar ring: winter catching out climbers and walkers, with tragic consequences..

Fall victim lends his weight to mountain safety campaign

A man who nearly died in a fall on one of Snowdonia’s peaks has backed a campaign to improve safety on the mountains.

No Christmas felltop report as Craig steps down

Walkers and climbers heading for a festive foray on to the Lakeland fells will have to do without a vital service for the first time in 34 years.

The gift for walkers with it all: a metre of footpath

What Christmas gift do you buy for the walker who has everything? If the committed hiker in your life has the latest garish Gore-tex, an all-singin...

Mountain teams face extra costs for gear damaged in flood rescues

The Lake District’s mountain rescue teams, praised by Prince Charles last Friday for their response during the unprecedented Cumbrian floods, face major costs to replace gear and vehicles damaged while rescuing victims of the deluge.

Ramblers want to know walkers' pet hates

What’s your biggest gripe as a walker? Is it badly designed stiles; barred routes; litter-strewn paths? The Ramblers, the country’s biggest wal...

Water-rescue training pays off for mountain teams

Training for water rescues paid dividends over the weekend for one of the Lake District’s mountain rescue teams.

Icelandic search dog teams' gift to Cumbrian flood fund

While president Olafur Ragnar Grimsson may have decided to put to a referendum the decision to return £3.4bn to the British Treasury, one group of Icelanders has shown more generosity with a donation to the Cumbrian flood relief fund.

Couple led to safety after night on Lakeland fell

A couple were led to safety today after spending the night on a freezing Lakeland felltop. The pair became benighted near the summit of the Old Man...

Festive greetings to all our readers from the grough team

We’d like to wish you all a happy Christmas! All the team here at grough hope you get everything you could wish for from Santa to help you enjoy ...

Flood-damaged paths mapped by Lakes authority

Walkers in the Lake District are being urged to check on the state of footpaths as Cumbria recovers from the devastating floods that left £1.6m of damage and left many bridges and rights of way either destroyed or damaged.

Anniversary challenge to councils to put themselves on the map

Councils are being challenged to wake up and get their maps up to date, on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the law that obliges them to record rights of way.

Ticks to tight boots: site has mountaineers' medical insights

Would you know how to cope with a medical emergency on the mountains? We all hope we will never need to deal with such a situation, but forewarned ...

Lakeland walkers warned as district takes stock

Lake District walkers are being advised to choose their routes with care as the area recovers from the recent devastating floods.

'Mountain morgue' man's brush with death in floods

The Cumbrian mine owner who claimed a mountain marathon brought the area ‘within inches of turning the Lake District mountains into a morgue’ has had his own brush with death.

Wainwright fans set up cash appeal for flood-hit county

The Wainwright Society has launched an appeal to help the stricken county of Cumbria after the worst floods in living memory.


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