The walker was descending Little Ingleborough towards Gaping Gill. Photo: Bob Smith/grough

The walker was descending Little Ingleborough towards Gaping Gill. Photo: Bob Smith/grough

A walker suffered a suspected dislocated shoulder when he slipped on icy ground while coming down from one of Yorkshire’s Three Peaks.

Rescuers said the 28-year-old was wearing trainers when the incident happened on Little Ingleborough, a subsidiary peak of Ingleborough.

The Clapham-based Cave Rescue Organisation was called out about 3.35pm on Sunday. The man was descending towards Gaping Gill when he fell. His companions managed to help him down a little further but progress was slow and the walker was in considerable pain.

A team spokesperson said: “He was given pain relief and stretchered – partly sledged, partly carried – down to a team Land Rover, below Trow Gill. Back in Clapham, he was transferred to an ambulance for the journey to hospital.”

The rescue was the team’s eighth incident of the year.

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